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Based on the Southern side of the mountain, Ethereal marks its territory. These strong wolves live on the very side of the mountain, where a thin, dark cave leads into a large tunnel system that circles the circumference of the mountain. Small holes in the side of the tunnels light the little caverns that the pack makes as dens. They have to constantly fill in the entrances to the other packs and Clans.
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Cool Pool
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Luckily for this pack, they are on the warmer side of the mountain. That means that they have access to water longer than the other packs and Clans. The pool spills off into a river that goes further down the mountain, towards __Clan. During the summer, fish swim up here to lay their eggs.
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Felled Oak
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After an avalanche long ago, an oak tree had tipped over against a cliff wall. Surprisingly, it survived, and had grown thick, its branches gripping tightly to the rock wall. The pack uses it as a ramp up the mountain, as well as a place to train their young.
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